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Here’s What Water Soluble Graphite Is Used For

water soluble graphite

Water-soluble graphite pencils are one of those things that seem too good to be true. Any artist knows that graphite and water just do not mix. But with these pencils, just a touch of water completely transforms the marks you make into a rich, watercolor-like wash.

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These pencils are especially useful for creating backgrounds like skies or oceans, but you can use them for just about anything that regular graphite pencils can be used for. You shade normally with them, then use a small brush to smooth out your shading with complete ease.

How Water-Soluble Graphite Works

The graphite used is virtually the same as normal graphite, except for one huge difference – water activates them, causing them to be dissolved and easily spread.

This property opens up a vast range of creative possibilities.

It basically gives you the ability to blend the graphite to the highest possible degree, filling deep within the pores of the page.

water soluble graphite

How to Use Water-Soluble Graphite Pencils

Draw whatever you want, then dip a small brush into water to create a smooth wash. Watercolor brushes work great.

Here is a set on Amazon that also includes a brush.

You can dip the tip of the pencil in water too. This creates a thick, smooth line.

One thing to note, if you intend to use water-soluble pencils, you need to have paper that can withstand water, otherwise you’ll break through your pages. Watercolor paper is stronger. You can get the perfect watercolor paper here on Amazon.

water soluble graphite

And That’s it!

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